Western 4W Driver Magazine

Western 4W Driver is an independent, Western Australian 4WD and destination content producer, championing our impressive state and its roads less travelled. Our quarterly print magazine is Western Australia’s leading 4WD travel publication, comprised of honest and reputable stories, reviews and advice columns, curated for anyone seeking adventure and with ambitions of using their 4WD for what it was built for.

Rich in valuable content, Western 4W Driver magazine is a megaphone for sharing Western Australian stories; of where we came from, of who we are and where we are heading. We are influencers, guiding those who seek adventure onto the right track, with the right equipment and know-how. Our team of contributors is made up of knowledgeable explorers, historians, photographers and avid travellers who are incredibly passionate about traversing Western Australia and sharing their expertise with readers eager to explore and discover.