WestOz Water Filters

What are your main concerns with water when you are traveling? There are two main ones people have shared with us:

  1. Itchy skin and inflamed eyes, from showering in unfiltered, chlorinated, hard water.
  2. Unknown contaminants in the water, that upsets digestion and can cause unpleasant symptoms.

These issues can really affect the traveler’s and families’ overall enjoyment when traveling away from home in their campervan, caravan or motorhome.


We look to inspire you to filter your own water!

Five benefits of filtering your own water:

  1. It is safe to drink, saving you $100’s instead of purchasing bottled water.
  2. Space saving, in not having to store bottled water.
  3. Hydrating your skin by showering in filtered water adds joy to the holiday experience.
  4. The environment will thank you for not using & disposing plastic bottles (even if it is into a recycling bin!).
  5. Your hot water system, shower and toilet will last up to 50% longer when using only filtered water!